This photo shoot thing is not for dummies. I've participated in several now, in preparation for and the continual upkeep of this web site. And though I am not well-versed in all things, I am also not an idiot. But professional photographs, this is where I'm in the proverbial dark without a flash.
Here's how it works. I play the artisan, with the food and its surroundings. That's my forte. But when it comes to what to do with that camera, I must step aside, giving way to the expert. Kaitlin Mackenzie Photography steps in with her shield and lens and tripod and white balance, and oh, yes, her camera, and I marvel. Again and again, such beautiful results. I can only sing praises.
When I have to take photos myself they are often too dark or too light, have too much shadow in all the wrong places, the color's off, they are shot too close or too distant, or worse yet, they are blurry. That's when I am more than grateful for those who are truly gifted, like Kaitlin. I can't even begin to imagine what my web site would look like without her expertise. Kudos to you, Kaitlin Mackenzie Photography!